Tuesday, May 05, 2009


why is it that people, though well into their twenties and thirties seem to still create and breed drama? It's really pretty annoying and I'm finding that those people are really not people I feel like being around. It's sad though because I feel like I'm losing some of my closest friends. I didn't know that this was highschool all over again.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

the hype

Well, I was wondering today about people and their reactions. Especially people who get angry at situations or reactions to situations. It makes me laugh when people don't like something, though they may have never experienced it or tried to experience it. Then they rant and rave about how dumb or silly it is. In reality, I think it just makes them look silly and pretty inane. Ha. Anyhow, on another note, March is almost gone and we're looking a pretty serious snow storm headed our way which always makes me long for mild valley in the center of California. Also, work is going pretty well, somewhat slow on most days but it's just a job. I wish I could afford to do something that entertained me more or at least did some good, but alas, life demands so much more from me. Also, we're remodeling our house, so we can move. Again funny, because we're doing all the things that I've always wanted to do to it. Once we're done with all the things I've always wanted to do to our current house, we will be doing what only makes sense to people who are like-minded to my husband, and pulling up our roots and moving. All of about 4 blocks. Ah well. Sounds like a plan for now. Love to you all.