Tuesday, February 06, 2007

dr. jekell is wrestling hyde for my pride

so i'm a shitty poster. i know. i have news though. i have a new job at nemschoff. i sew all day. funny story though. i got the phone call that i had the job about a month ago and a week later got a letter in the mail with all the details for, you know, the sake of it i guess. and it said blah blah blah, "sewer" and i guess i was tired but read it as "sewer" (like the gross dirty kind.) makes me laugh everytime i see my job title. let's see what else is new.... i get to visit cali in like 2 1/2 weeks for an extended weekend. kenny has learned to dance, his favorite band as of right now is snow patrol. we'll see how that works out. :) he also tries to sing along by rhythmically jabbering on. he can walk well now and is always in something new. he also shakes his head no and says yes and officially says mommy, not just mama anymore. well. i don't want to wear myself out posting too much. ciao for now.


Mela said...

aw, he's such a cutie! And congrats on the new job. Do you like it?

Mela said...

hello? hey, check out my blog. There's pics! oh, of course you may have seen them on facebook as well. :)